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Event Medical Standby
GEMRU serves as on scene medical standby for your events on UF’s campus! We currently provide standby for most University sporting events as well as events around campus. We additionally provide standby for various student organizations including Greek Life, 5ks, etc.
Our special event pricing can be found here. Please note that this pricing is per GEMRU team and GEMRU teams may not be split for any reason. If you would like additional teams (multiple GEMRU teams at different locations) you must indicate that on your request form.
GEMRU is under the UF’s Police Department so certain events may require an officer to be present. This may require additional fees. All requests are processed by UPD.
The request needs to include the following information:
– Name
– Point of contact
– Date of event
– Start and end time
– Number of GEMRU teams
Event Medical Standby Request
Please use this form to request medical standby for your event!