Special Events Division

Every year the University of Florida is host to thousands of visitors from football games to concerts to community events. Outside of daily operations, the University of Florida Police Department’s Special Events Division handles the logistical and operational management of these special events taking place throughout campus.

This Division is headed by a Lieutenant who coordinates interdepartmental functions, liaises with other law enforcement agencies and other entities within the UF community such as UAA, and assigns personnel to specific duties for the event.

If you need law enforcement for a special event, please complete the Special Events Request Form or contact Lt. Scott Silver at (352)273-3317 or via email  Special Events. Special Event Requests should be submitted at least 21 days away from your event to ensure staffing availability.

Please be aware that your event may have a cost associated due to the personnel and security measures provided. Please review the document below for more information.

Paying with UF Funds (PDF)                            Paying with non-UF Funds (PDF)

The University of Florida Police Department
Special Events Division

ATTN: Lt. Silver or Sgt. Motes
1555 Museum Road
Gainesville, FL 32611-2150
(352) 392-5447
Email: upd-special-events@ad.ufl.edu