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Resources for Victims
On-Campus Resources
Advocacy, Education, and Support Services
The Office of Victim Services provides a crime victim advocate to anyone who has become a victim of crime while on the University of Florida campus. The victim advocate ensures that victims of crime receive fair treatment in accordance with the provisions of Florida State Statute 960. All services are free and confidential. You can reach the Office of Victim Services here.
Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution, located within the Dean of Students Office, is responsible for the judicial aspects of the code of student conduct at the University of Florida. Individuals associated with the Office of Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution are directly responsible for ensuring that students referred to their office receive fair treatment in all aspects of their hearing process. Students, faculty, and staff who believe that there has been a violation of the student code can contact the Office of the Director to discuss options available for reporting incidents to the appropriate authority. You can reach the Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution at:
202 Peabody Hall
(352) 392-1261
or visit their website at: https://sccr.dso.ufl.edu/
The Office of Institutional Equity and Diversity takes student and employee reports of sexual harassment. The focal point of the office is to ensure equitable treatment of all students and employees. We network with all aspects of campus employment in order to work towards a learning and working environment free of discrimination and harassment for current as well as prospective students and employees.
P.O. Box 11510
Gainesville, FL 32611-5010
(352) 273-1778
email: eeo@ufl.edu
Title IX: https://titleix.ufl.edu/
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ) Affairs provides education, advocacy, and support for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, and straight-allied students, staff, and faculty at the University of Florida. LGBTQ Affairs aims to create a more hospitable campus climate for all students, faculty, and staff enabling Gators to pursue their studies, jobs, and lives free from the threat of bigotry and discrimination and by increasing awareness and sensitivity of LGBTQ issues throughout the entire campus community. You can reach the University of Florida LGBTQ Office at:
655 Reitz Union Drive
Suite 2203
Gainesville, FL 32611-4135
(352) 294-3566
Medical Care
The Student Health Care Center leads, collaborates, and excels comprehensive service provision through wellness promotion and compassionate, accessible care. The Student Health Care Center has a Women’s Health Care Clinic specializing in women’s health issues. The clinic provides services such as counseling for contraceptive options, sexually transmitted disease/infection (STD/STI) prevention, sexuality and other women’s health concerns. Screening, diagnosis and treatment of STDs/STIs, breast exams and instruction in self-examination, pap smears and routine pelvic exams, and pregnancy testing are also offered.
Fall/Spring: Monday – Friday: 8am – 5pm; Saturday: CLOSED; Sunday*: 12-4pm (*Urgent care only)
Summer: Monday – Friday: 8am – 4:30pm; Saturday/Sunday: CLOSED
P.O. Box 117500 1 Fletcher Drive Gainesville, FL, 32611-7500 (352) 392-1161 Student Health Care Website
Counseling Services
The University of Florida Counseling and Wellness Center has professional counselors and therapists on staff and offers individual or group counseling dealing with any form of sexual exploitation or other issues related to victimization. All counseling services are free and confidential. The center has an excellent referral system should your needs be better met by a different agency or program. You can reach the University of Florida Counseling and Welness Center at:
3190 Radio Road P.O Box 112662 Gainesville, FL 32611-2662
(352) 392-1575
Legal Assistance
3500 J. Wayne Reitz Union Gainesville, FL 32611-8505 (352) 392-5297(LAWS)
email: SLS@studentlegalservices.ufl.edu
105 Bruton-Geer Hall Gainesville, FL 32611
(352) 273-0805
Email: drake@law.ufl.edu
Persons with hearing impairments: When trying to contact an office that does not list a TDD number, use The Florida Relay Service (FRS) by calling 1-800-955-8771 (TDD).
Off Campus
Advocacy, Counseling, and Support Services
State Attorney’s Office – Eight Judicial Circuit
120 West University Avenue Gainesville, FL 32601
Medical Care
Reporting and Education
Legal Assistance
901 NW 8th Ave # D5 Gainesville, FL 32601-3832
(352) 372-0519
Persons with hearing impairments: when trying to contact an office that does not list a TDD number, use The Florida Relay Service (FRS) by calling 1-800-955-8771 (TDD).
Emergency Shelters
A domestic violence shelter located in Chiefland, FL.
1-800-500-1119 (crisis hotline)
Transitional housing for women and children in Gainesville, FL.
(352) 505-3521
A full-service domestic violence shelter located in Jacksonville, FL.
(904) 354-3114 (24hr hotline)
A homeless shelter located in Gainesville, FL.
(352) 378-9079
A shelter for runaways and youths ages 12 to 17 located in Gainesville, FL.
(800) 854-5377
A shelter for homeless, pregnant teenagers and their babies located in Gainesville, FL.
(352) 373-6993
A domestic violence shelter for victims of domestic / family / relationship violence in the Alachua County area. Peaceful Paths is located in Gainesville, FL. If you are looking for a shelter outside of this area, representatives from Peaceful Paths can assist you in finding one.
1-800-393-SAFE (help line)
(352) 377-8255 (domestic violence)